Monday, July 12, 2010


For two years all you heard about around the league was the 2010 free agent draft. Lebum, Bosh, D Wade, Amare and the rest where going to reshape and change the balance of power in the NBA. So the Bulls thought, lets get Lebum James (still mad at him) and Chris Bosh to team with Derrick Rose and will win a bunch of championships and even forget about 23 and the six he won. So guess who we got everybody (TA-DAH) Carlos (I screwed the former blind Cleveland cavs owner and went to Utah) Boozer. Not a bad boooobee prize (get it) he's a consistant 20 and 10 guy with great inside scoring ability, but the bulls had gotten themselves thirty million under the cap and ended up at the end of the day being played. So lets recap where the big names ended up

1. Lebron James (not so mad anymore) Miami Heat: So called best player in the league now practicing to not take the big shot at the end of the game.

2. D Wade Miami Heat: Already got his ring, now he's got his crew, will still be taking the big shots. Lebrons happy.....

3. Chris Bosh Miami Heat: See a pattern here. I believe all along they new what up wit them (gangsta talk) can party in south beach till 4 am every night on this team.

4. Amare Stoudemire NY knicks: They'll still suck because they let David Lee go and gave this guy 100 mil not much difference.

5. Joe Johnson Atlanta hawks: 6 yrs 119 million. Holy shit was that stupid. The Bulls wanted him bad if bron and bosh fell through, probably offered somewhere in the 5 yr 80 mil range. Dudes gonna be makin 24 mil at age 34 in the last year of his contract.wtf.

6. David Lee Golden State warriors: perfect signing for Nellie (not the rapper).

So in the end the heat got loaded, the knicks got Amare and screwed by Lebron (poor Spike Lee), and the Bulls got boozed up and screwed by Lebum (mad again) bosh and Johnson. I know all you hoop fans will be watching even more this coming season with one thing on your mind, unless your a Miami heat fan you don't want to see them ever winning a title.................


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