Hampton, Dent, and Singletary from the 85 Bears (the greatest defense in NFL history) would have sat in awe the way the Bulls played defense against the Miami Heat Sunday at the UC. Lebron, D-Wade and the rest of the Heat where shut down by the likes of Noah, Rose and Taj Gibson (will Post his mammoth dunk at the end) with as good of defensive performance you will ever see.
Denials at the rim, close outs on jump shooters and great rebounding (especially in the second half) made the heat leave the floor thinking are you sure were the favorites to win this series.
One game does not win a series, but for the bulls to beat the heat, they have to play the same pressure De-Fence and let Derrick Rose do his thing. Ps. The Bulls must hold serve tonight at home to take a 2-0 lead down to South Beach or you can throw game 1 out the window, but so far the 85 bears are watching and going "not bad for a sissy sport".
STAY THIRSTY MY FRIENDS.......................................